00:00 – Introduction of Anthony Bosman
11:35 – Philosophy Class (one, many or none) (Platonist and Nihilism professors)
13:48 – The importance of knowing what is True.
15:00 – Overcoming bias
15:21 – Spring Break with friends from various faith backgrounds.
17:00 – The problem with Secularism / Confusion as a Christian believer. / Problems with Atheism.
20:00 – Parents concerns with children and doubts about religion. ** important segment**
23:00 – Reading the Conflict of the Ages in Papua New Guinea during summer vacation.
27:50 – Wrestling with passages as a Christian. (You don’t have to step outside (Christianity) to wrestle.
29:00 – Math as a Power-Up degree (an evangelist for Math!)
30:40 – What is Knot Theory
37:00 – Different journeys as a Christian / Different types of conversion stories
40:00 – How math informs belief in Jesus / The philosophy of Mathematics / THE UNREASONABLE EFFECTIVENSS OF MATHEMATICS IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES by Eugene Wigner
https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~v1ranick/papers/wigner.pdf / Mathematicians create math before it is understood. Elegance / Beauty / Truth
45:43 – Einstein and the “incomprehensible thing about math is that it is comprehensible”
51:45 – Existential comprehension, inquiry and grand questions
53:00 – The Literal Week (Patriarchs and Prophets) – https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/84.428
54:39 – There is no astronomical phenomenon for a week / Seven is a Prime number.
1:00:00 – How Anthony Bosman keeps the Sabbath
1:05:00 – Sabbath and Imago Dei / Sabbath reminds us that we are created in the image of God.
1:08:00 – Sabbath vs. Darwinian Thinking / Creation and Evolution / What is the big Metanarrative of where we come from as Humans.
1:12:05 – The Example of Isaac Newton / Universal law of gravitation / A single law for how things work on earth and in the Heavens / Principia Mathematica
1:14:07 – Johannes Kepler (The Luther of Astronomy). Theologian and Scientist / Christian Theological Foundation /
1:15:50 – The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science by Peter Harrison
1:18:00 – Martin Luther and the anticipation of the cusp of the Scientific Revolution.
1:19:45 – Isaac Newton’s studies of prophecy at Andrews Library
1:22:56 – Criticism of Darwinian theory / Giving Up Darwin by David Gelernter https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/giving-up-darwin/
1:25:12 – How did life get here in the first place.
1:25:16 – James Tour, Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering. https://profiles.rice.edu/faculty/james-tour / Difficulty in building chemical machines.
1:26:38 – Christina R. Harris, Ph.D. https://www.educatetruth.com/la-sierra-evidence/a-scientist-and-creationist-by-christina-r-harris-phd/
1:29:04 – The Universe had a beginning / How do you get something out of nothing / Naturalist explanations for something out of nothing.
1:31:46 – Laws we have in the world are descriptive not prescriptive and NOT creative ** important segment**
1:33:39 – Biblical Faith is well informed faith.
1:34:17 – The Multiverse theory / Fred Hoyle and the science of carbon / and a “superintellect”
1:48:24 – The limits of human knowledge / Intellectual humility / Scientism / Bertrand Russell’s Structural Realism
1:51:10 – Pensées by Blaise Pascal / Nature of reason /
1:52:27 – “The End of Physics” /
1:53:17 – John Archibald Wheeler – We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance.
1:53:42 – Dark Matter / Dark Energy
1:54:56 – Gödel’s incompleteness theorems
1:55:34 – Ellen White. Patriarchs and Prophets page 116. “The mightiest intellects of earth cannot comprehend God. Men may be ever searching, ever learning, and still there is an infinity beyond.”
1:55:51 – My faith gets me excited about scientific discovery / This will fill yearning for eternity and fills us with the Majesty of God.
1:56:36 – Revelation 4:10–11 (ESV): “… They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”
1:58:52 – Closing Prayer
QUOTE: “The great mathematician fully, almost ruthlessly, exploits the domain of permissible reasoning and skirts the impermissible. That his recklessness does not lead him into a morass of contradictions is a MIRACLE in itself: certainly it is hard to believe that our reasoning power was brought, by Darwin’s process of natural selection, to the perfection which it seems to possess”
The Literal Week (Patriarchs and Prophets)
The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science by Peter Harrison
From Anthony Bosman:
“What the Protestant reformation does is that people come and they say well let’s start to take scripture a little more seriously let’s start reading it literally.
From Peter Harrison:
“Had it not been for the rise of the literal interpretation of the bible and the subsequent appropriation of biblical narratives by early modern scientists modern scientists may not have arrived and may not have arisen at all. In sum the bible and its literal interpretation have played a vital role in the development of western science.”
Giving Up Darwin by David Gelernter
Pensées by Blaise Pascal

From Pascale:
“The last proceeding of reason is to recognise that there is an infinity of things which are beyond it. It is but feeble if it does not see so far as to know this. But if natural things are beyond it, what will be said of supernatural?”
John Archibald Wheeler
Ellen White. Patriarchs and Prophets page 116.

“The mightiest intellects of earth cannot comprehend God. Men may be ever searching, ever learning, and still there is an infinity beyond.”
Other information from Anthony Bosman
Anthony Bosman
math. beauty. God.
Math makes sense. More than that, it is beautiful.
Why is this the case? Why are we able to do mathematics?
And why does math describe the universe so well?
Might this be evidence of a Creator–One who made us to explore, discover, and create beauty.